Science and Society

science and society

Science is the study of nature and its behaviour. It is knowledge of facts and truths gained through observation ans experimentation. Issac Asimov an american writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University says: "There is a single light of science , and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it anywhere." Then to define society, it is a group of people living together and sharing the same culture and tradiations. who are scientist? They are expert in science. Stephen Hawking says: "scientist have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest. for knowlege." Scientist are the member of society as well. Thus they interlink science and society. The association of science and society brings forth social sciencies. Science is the knowledge of the World that man learns; while society is the life style the man adopt according to what he leans. Human beingd act like a brige between the two. An English chemist, Rossalind Franklin says, "Science and everyday life cannot and should not be seperated." Thus man lives in society accordoing to the prescribes pattern of nature and scientific standards.

We live in an era of science and technology. Science has changed our life style making it rather comfortable and cozy. Science has influnced society in every ascpect .Its ineventions have modernized society. it is due to science that we live in a scientific culture and enjoy scientific accomplishment. It has doubled and multiplied human efficiency and comfort by its vast range of applications and innumerable invention.It is human nature to explore new horizons of nature. man explores the undiscovered and unseen recesses of nature.He will always continue to discover the secret aspects of cosmos. and it is science that helps him to accomplished his pursuits. Issac Asimov says in the context." The saddest aspects of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gather wisdom."

Scientist play a substential role in society. They make discoveries and resolve mysteries. They are the high-ranking mambers of society. Society facilitates them to observe nature, make researches and carry out experiments. Science has cahnges human mind.