
1. Some chapter are sad, Some are happy, and Some are exciting. 

2. Those who persevere win.

3. Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, Every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is our whether we become Victim or Victor.

4. A new day mean new opportunities. Get up and show up.

5. A Strong Women will automatically stop trying if she feels unwanted she won't fix it or beg, she;ll just walk away.

6. Don't tell your insecurities and bad moments to others. it;s useless!

7. When you belive in yourself, your dreams start take a beautiful shape.

8. Some times your heart needs more times to accept what your mind already know.

9. Everyday is new begining, take a deep breath,smile..,and start again.

10. Everyone is trying to change the world, change yourself first.

quote|| sucessfull life

                     "Be your Own biggest fan, Love yourself and give yourself the thing that you need."
